Friday, December 8, 2006

Rocket Rule #2

Perseverance is Key

I'm making this a rule based on personal experience. Here are 3 experiences in which my above average perseverance paid off.

1. My job. I know it seems very easy to gain employment at a Canadian Tire franchise, but don't believe the pretty red "help wanted" signs. Canadian Tire does not want anyone's help. I applied six times, called a host of other times, and went in for three seperate interviews. They said something about not being "the right fit." I guess I was a medium, and they wanted a large. So I worked out a bunch with my buddy Tim. I came back 2 months later, and after another extensive interview process, I was a junior sales clerk.

2. My Floor Hockey Championship Trophies. I have three. It's a community league here in my little Canadian town. Do you think those trophies were easy? In case you're saying "yes" right now, I'm just going to go ahead and tell you. No, no they were not. I had to go out there every other Monday night and leave a pint of blood on that floor. I couldn't find my shin pads for the first championshp game. It was murder. But I made those bastards from Kelly's Hardware and Supplies taste my pain. What a beautiful moment.

3. My basement suite. By basement suite I mean "room in basement." My mom tried so hard to get me out of here. I refused. I remember literally locking myself in my rooom for three days and going on a hunger strike. It was tough because she had already moved my bed and furniture outside to the sidewalk. I hung tough though, and eventaully got my furniture, and my dignity back.

So persevere in the face of opposition. There are many who will try to stand in the way of your success. You must have ears of steel. Don't listen to them. Ears of steel and the heart of a panther.

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